Terrence L. Olsen, Esq. (“Terry”),
partner of Olsen Law Firm, founded Olsen Law Firm in September 2003, and practices Immigration & Nationality Law exclusively. Terry has served, and continues to serve, the international community and his clients’ interests in the United States and internationally. By actively participating in government discussions of immigration law and policy, Terry is an active participant with the agencies governing immigration law, rather than being an observer on the sidelines.
Terry is an alumnus of William and Mary Law School, Southern Illinois University, and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. While in law school, Terry spearheaded several legal organizations and was involved in the following law student organizations – member of the William and Mary Law Review, Articles Editor of the William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, Justice of Phi Alpha Delta, Virginia Trial Lawyer’s Association, Technical Assistant of Courtroom 21, Research Assistant for Professor Grover, Law Clerk for the Commonwealth’s Attorney, and Extern at Goodman and Company.
Terry serves or has served in the following leadership roles:
- Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association’s International Law Section 2017-Present;
- Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association’s Immigration Law Section 2009-2011, 2013-2014 and 2016-Present;
- Vice-Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association International Law Section 2016-2017;
- Chair of the Chattanooga Branch of the British American Business Group 2012-2014;
- Board Member of the British American Business Group Atlanta 2012-2014;
- Chairman of the World Trade Society of Chattanooga 2004-2008;
- Host to Trade Delegations to the Chattanooga area from countries such as China, Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan;
- Organizer of Several International Educational Initiatives, liaison with educational institutions in Chattanooga and educational institutions in Taiwan;
- Instructor of Bryan College’s MBA Program;
- Adjunct Instructor of Chattanooga State Community College’s Immigration Paralegal Course;
- Adjunct Instructor of Chattanooga State Community College’s Immigration Paralegal Course;
- Immigration & International Law Lectures & Seminars to: National Taiwan University, National Chung Hsing University, Logistics Management Association of Taiwan, American Immigration Lawyers Association—Midsouth & Texas Chapters, Tennessee Bar Association Immigration Law Section, International Tax Practitioners Group Atlanta, ILW.com—Leading Immigration Law Publisher, Tennessee Bar Association University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Southern Adventist University, Bryan College, Dalton State College, Oakwood University, the University of Alabama at Huntsville, and Sewanee: The University of the South
Terry has also been published in several legal journals and publications, listed as follows:
- Chattanooga Manufacturers Association Web Article “How to Locate Buyers in China and Taiwan” (January 2003);
- Commercial Network Immigration Article (February 2003);
- Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce Business Trends Article About Trips to China and Taiwan (April 2003);
- Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce Business Trends Immigration Checklist Article (June 2003);
- Immigration Law Today “The Quest for Intercountry Adoption: A Somber Reality Against Unification” (October 2007);
- Tennessee Bar Association Immigration Section Newsletter “Tennessee Driver License Law” (November 2008);
- Tennessee Bar Association Immigration Section Newsletter “How can Immigration Law Find Its Way Into A Normal State Law Divorce Matter?” (April 2009);
- Tennessee Bar Association Immigration Section Newsletter “Consequences of a Divorce for a Conditional Permanent Resident” (January 2010); and
- Journal of the CPA Practitioner, “Illegal Aliens: A Balance Sheet Liability” (August/September 2013).
Terry has given the following seminars & webinars for the Tennessee Bar Assocation:
- Immigration & Tax Planning from Non-Resident to Resident Status;
- Immigration Law Forum 2017: Immigration Benefits, Court, Enforcement and Removal;
- Immigration Law Forum 2017: Investment Immigration Government, Company and Global Perspectives;
- Basic & Advanced U.S. & Immigration Investment Ownership for Tennessee;
- Immigration & Tax Planning from Non-Resident to Resident Status;
- Basic & Advanced U.S. & Immigration Investment Ownership for Tennessee;
- Juvenile Law Annual Forum 2016;
- Immigration Law Seminar 2016;
- Representation of Juvenile Immigrants Before the Immigration Courts;
- Immigration Law Seminar 2015: Government Agencies' Perspective on Immigration Issues;
- Nuts and Bolts of H-1B [Mobile Ready];
- Hot Topics in Immigration Law- Post Election;
- Immigration 2011;
- The Enforcement of the Illegal Alien Employment Act;
- Immigration 2010: Local Enforcement of US Immigration Laws;
- Immigration Law Enforcement: State & Federal Seminar;
- Immigration Employer Compliance: State Compliance;
- Employer Enforcement Issues.